The Iowa State University's Alpha Tau Omega house has made incremental improvements during recent summers, but the time has come to put their fraternity capital campaign project to work to raise funds for a major renovation. Through fraternity engagement and fraternity fundraising, their planned improvements include:

  • Combine existing TV and computer rooms into large study room  
  • Adjoin existing utility room with computer room

  • Replace light fixtures in new study areas

  • Convert physical fitness room into lounge/recreational room

  • Repair flooring, fixtures, walls, and remaining flood damage

  • Upgrade kitchen to high-use commercial-grade facility

  • Purchase dining room tables and chairs

  • Convert cold-air dormitory to four-man suite  

  • Reconfigure libraries on each floor into two-man bedrooms

  • Combine three existing study rooms into four-man suites

  • Replace windows

  • Add HVAC system to bedrooms and study rooms